
Case Studies

Road Construction Using Neoloy Tough Cells and Geogrid, Hoima Wanseko Project >

Reinforcement of Asphalt Structure, Apedwa Bunso Road >

Lininig and Drainage of the Tema Landfill >

Geogrid Reinforced MSE Retaining Wall with Gabion Facing >

Gabion Structure for Canal Banks Protection and Erosion Control >

Cleaning sedimentation ponds at the Og (Nabbi Mussa) WWTP

Cleaning a wastewater reservoir at the Haifa Chemicals North plant

Zikim WWTP cleanup using Geotube® technology

Sludge dredging and dewatering at WWTPs – Geotube® refilling


Admir Africa >

Uganda >

Rwanda >

Nigeria >

Kenya >

Ghana >

Ethiopia >