Drainage, separation and reinforcement of sub-bases by geotextile
Separation between the natural subsoil and the sub-base layers has proven to be an effective method since ancient times. Drainage can reduce the negative influence of confined water on the bearing capacity of the base layers. Reinforcement can improve the bearing capacity.
The utilization of Geotextiles (woven and nonwoven) improves the engineering functioning of road and railway bases fulfilling the following functions:
Separation between fine soil and coarse materials. Preventing pumping of fines from the subgrade into the base course.
Maintaining the planned subbase thickness and preventing the loss of fill material into the soft subsoil.
Uniformly distributing vertical loads over a large area, and thereby reducing the stresses on the subsoil.
Rapid and effective filtration through the Geotextile and prevention of hydrostatic pressure by drainage, which is essential to the proper functioning of the road.
Reducing differential settlements.